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What is Ovex?

Ovex Family Pack is a threadworm treatment that contains the active ingredient mebendazole. Each regular family pack of tablets contains four doses, while the suspension pack contains six.

What is Ovex used for?

The treatment is used to get rid of threadworms in family households. Threadworms are a common type of parasitic worm that can be spotted in the stools of young children.

Other signs of threadworms include:

  • Excessive itchiness around the anus or vagina, especially at night
  • Irritability and waking up in the night

In rare cases, threadworms can also cause:

  • Weight loss
  • Bed-wetting
  • Irritated skin around the anus

While it’s more common for children to get threadworms, they’re contagious and can be spread across an entire family if they’re not treated. Threadworms lay eggs around the anus, which causes itching. The eggs then get stuck on your fingers after scratching, and can be passed on to anything you touch, including food. The eggs then hatch when swallowed, allowing the threadworms to spread further.

Ovex’s family packs contain single-dose treatments for each member of a household, allowing them to get rid of threadworms from within.

How does Ovex work?

Mebendazole, the active ingredient in each dose of Ovex, is an anthelmintic – a type of medication used to treat parasitic worm infestations. It works by preventing the worms using glucose in the body, which they need in order to survive. Without glucose, their energy levels deplete and they die within a few days.

Each family pack of Ovex contains a dose of mebendazole for each member of the family, allowing them to eliminate threadworms at the same time.

How long does Ovex take to work?

In most instances, threadworms will die within a few days of taking Ovex. It’s important to remember, however, that while the threadworms in your body will die, eggs that have already passed to surfaces in the household won’t. In fact, threadworm eggs can survive for as long as two weeks outside the human body. That’s why, after taking the treatment, it’s crucial to:

  • Wash your hands and scrub under your fingernails
  • Ensure your children wash their hands regularly
  • Have a shower or bath every day
  • Rinse toothbrushes before you use them
  • Trim fingernails short
  • Wash your pyjamas, bed sheets, towels and any soft toys your children own
  • Clean your kitchen and bathroom surfaces with disinfectant
  • Vacuum and dust regularly
  • Make your children wear underwear at night and change it in the morning

How should I take Ovex?

The regular family pack contains four tablets – one for each member of the family. Each family member should take their tablet with water at the same time. If you have the suspension pack, which contains six doses, you need to shake the bottle well before use. With the measuring cup provided, pour a 5ml dose of the liquid and swallow. Do the same with each member of your family.

Who can’t take Ovex?

Ovex is suitable for adults and children aged two and above. Younger children can only take Ovex if it has been prescribed by a doctor.

You must inform your doctor or pharmacist before taking Ovex if you are:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Allergic to mebendazole, any other medicine or any of the other ingredients in Ovex

What are the side effects of Ovex?

Ovex may cause side effects in some people, though these are usually mild. They include:

  • Stomach pain
  • Bloating and wind
  • Diarrhoea

In rare cases Ovex may cause serious side effects. Call a doctor immediately if you experience:

  • Blisters on your skin, mouth, eyes or genitals
  • Yellowing of the skin or whites in your eyes – these are signs of liver failure

How should Ovex be stored?

Ovex should be stored in a dry, cool environment that does not exceed 25°C.



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