HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) attacks the immune system of the body and leads to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). The first signs of HIV infection are flu-like symptoms that are seen within 2 to 4 weeks after getting infected. This is known as primary or acute HIV infection. Some people do not have any symptoms during this phase. It is followed by a latent stage during which the virus multiplies and usually there are no detectable signs and symptoms. Gradually the virus weakens the immune system and progresses to AIDS.

The most common cause of HIV is sexual contact with the infected person. A person can also get infected by blood transfusion, sharing infected needles and syringes contaminated with infected blood. Pregnant women infected with HIV can transmit the virus to the fetus through shared circulation.

Symptoms Of HIV Infection 

There are several symptoms of HIV infection which vary from person to person and also as per the stage of the infection. The three stages of HIV infection are:

Stage 1: Acute HIV infection

It is estimated that 50-70% of individuals with HIV infection experience a flu-like illness within 2 to 4 weeks after a primary infection. This is known as primary or acute HIV infection and lasts for weeks. Some people do not have any symptoms during this phase. The symptoms can include: Fever, Chills, Rashes, Headache , Swollen lymph glands, mainly on the neck, Night sweats, Mouth ulcers or genital ulcers, Joint Pain, Fatigue

Stage 2: Clinical latency

In this stage, the virus is getting multiplied, but at a very low level. There are no detectable signs and symptoms in this stage. This stage is called Chronic HIV infection. Although the length of time from initial infection to the development of clinical disease varies greatly, the median time for untreated patients is ~10 years. The rate of ongoing progression is directly correlated with HIV RNA levels. Patients with high levels of HIV RNA in plasma progress to symptomatic disease faster than do patients with low levels of HIV RNA. The transmission of HIV is highest during this stage if viral load is detected in the blood. There is a risk of transmitting HIV to your sexual partner.

Stage 3: AIDS

If a person is having HIV and is not on HIV treatment, gradually the virus will weaken the immune system and progress to AIDS. A diagnosis of AIDS is made in any individual age 6 years and older with HIV infection and a CD4+ T cell count <200 per microliter and in anyone with HIV infection who develops one of the HIV associated diseases considered to be indicative of a severe defect in cell mediated immunity.

Symptoms of AIDS include – Pneumonia, Sores of the mouth and anus, Extreme tiredness, Rapid weight loss, Recurring fever, Memory loss and depression.

Each of these symptoms can lead to another illness. Many of the severe symptoms of HIV are opportunistic infections. These infections come into action when the immune system of the body weakens.

Although the cure for the disease is still under research, some medications at certain stages can prolong the life of HIV-positive patients. These medications include protease inhibitors, fusion inhibitors, multidrug combinations, HIV-positive and reverse transcriptase inhibitors.

Download Products Catalogue


Generic : Lamivudine (150mg) + Zidovudine (300mg)

Treatment : HIV infection

Pack size  : (10 Tablets)

Manufacturer : Glaxo SmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Made In : INDIA


Generic : Lamivudine (150mg) + Zidovudine (300mg)

Treatment : HIV infection

Pack size  : 60 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Cipla Ltd

Made In : INDIA




Generic : Lamivudine (150mg) + Zidovudine (300mg)

Treatment : HIV infection

Pack size  : 60 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Cipla Ltd

Made In : INDIA


Generic : Lamivudine (150mg) + Zidovudine (300mg) + Efavirenz (600mg)

Treatment : HIV infection

Pack size  : 3 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Cipla Ltd

Made In : INDIA




Generic : Lamivudine (150mg) + Zidovudine (300mg) + Nevirapine (200mg)

Treatment : HIV infection

Pack size  : 30 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Cipla Ltd

Made In : INDIA


Generic : Efavirenz (600mg)

Treatment : HIV infection

Pack size  : 30 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Cipla Ltd

Made In : INDIA


Generic : Efavirenz (600mg)

Treatment : HIV infection

Pack size  : 30 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Made In : INDIA


Generic : Efavirenz (600mg)

Treatment : HIV infection

Pack size  : 30 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Macleods Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Made In : INDIA


Generic : Efavirenz (600mg)

Treatment : HIV infection

Pack size  : 30 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Made In : INDIA


Generic : Indinavir (400mg)

Treatment : Hiv Infection

Pack size  : 10 ( Capsules )

Manufacturer : Alkem Laboratories Ltd

Made In : INDIA




Generic : Dolutegravir (50mg)

Treatment : HIV Infection

Pack size  : 30 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Made In : INDIA


Generic : Raltegravir (400mg)

Treatment : HIV infection

Pack size  : 60 (Tablet)

Manufacturer :  MSD Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Made In : INDIA




Generic : Ritonavir (50mg) + Lopinavir (200mg)

Treatment : HIV Infection

Pack size  : 60 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Cipla Ltd

Made In : INDIA


Generic : Ganciclovir (500mg)

Treatment : Cytomegalovirus Infection

Pack size  : 10 Ml ( Vial )

Manufacturer : Natco Pharma Ltd

Made In : INDIA




Generic : Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (300mg) + Emtricitabine (200mg) + Atazanavir (300mg) + Ritonavir (100mg)

Treatment : HIV Infection

Pack size  : 1 ( Kit )

Manufacturer : Cipla Ltd

Made In : INDIA




Generic : Emtricitabine (200mg) + Tenofovir Alafenamide (25mg)

Treatment : HIV Infection

Pack size  : 30 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Cipla Ltd

Made In : INDIA




Generic : Emtricitabine (200mg) + Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (300mg)

Treatment : HIV infection

Pack size  : 30 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Made In : INDIA


Generic : Emtricitabine (200mg) + Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (300mg)

Treatment : HIV infection

Pack size  : 30 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Cipla Ltd

Made In : INDIA




Generic : Lamivudine (300mg) + Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (300mg) + Efavirenz (600mg)

Treatment : HIV Infection

Pack size  : 30 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Cipla Ltd

Made In : INDIA


Generic : Lamivudine (150mg) + Stavudine (30mg) + Nevirapine (200mg)

Treatment : HIV Infection

Pack size  : 30 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Cipla Ltd

Made In : INDIA


Generic : Lamivudine (150mg) + Stavudine (40mg) + Nevirapine (200mg)

Treatment : HIV Infection

Pack size  : 30 (Tablet)

Manufacturer : Cipla Ltd

Made In : INDIA

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