Category Archives: Treatment

Smoking Laws Get Tougher

Scientists are conducting intensive research on how cigarettes and smoking affects us and the environment. With each passing year, there are changes in legislation, product packaging and marketing alternatives. The latest news in the constant tug of war between the profit-obsessed tobacco corporations and the health campaigners is a small step towards healthier lungs smokers. […]

Champix Explained

Champix is a plant-based nicotine free medication proven to increase your chances at quitting smoking. It takes willpower and planning to complete the course of treatment and it is recommended that you start taking Champix 1-2 weeks before your planned date to quit smoking. How does it work? Champix contains the active ingredient ‘Varenicline Tartrate’ […]

Are you prepared to QUIT?

Environment Ensure all environments you have control over have been suitably cleaned and any scent of tobacco removed. If you plan to reduce your cigarette usage before quitting entirely then consider taking breaks from smoking at times you may normally smoke. This will challenge your existing habits, giving you the chance to implement new regimes. […]

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